EventTypes Settings

Having provided ALIAS with information about your company (Registering Your Organization) and how Personal Data is stored and used by your organization and its partners (Data Mapping), the next step is to provide ALIAS with information about when the information is collected and when it is used.

Defining LegalBasis Proofs for EventTypes ⚖️

There are the six different types of Legal Bases that can be selected by the DPO and associated with a Purpose.

The following Legal Bases require user action and an association with Event Types:
collection and the withdrawal of consent
conclusion and termination of a contract

Get ProcessingRecord
List EventTypes
Get LegalBasis
Create LegalBases Proofs
Get LegalBasis Proof

Defining DataTransfers and Associated EventTypes ⚖️


The DPO may have to account for data that is processed outside of EU territory. This kind of data transfer requires safeguards that may necessitate obtaining the consent of data subjects.

Therefore, it might be necessary to define an Event Type for the collection of this specific consent (that is different from the one received as a legal grounds authorizing the data processing)

Create DataTransfer
Get DataTransfer Safeguard
Create Safeguard Proof
Get Safeguard Proof

Defining Data Storage Rules and Associated Event Types ⚖️

The DPO must declare the storage duration rules applying to the data your organization is collecting.

The storage duration starts with an Event that is defined by a “start-event” EventType.

To set a storage duration rule, a start-event is associated with a countdown and/or a “stop-event” EventType.

The DPO has two options:

  • StorageDurationRules are pre-filled as associated with an existing Purpose
  • StorageDurationRules have to be set with the EventTypes that will start and stop the retention period.

The 2nd option first consists in creating or selecting EventTypes. Then the StorageDurationRules are set by selecting associated event-types.

Validate Event Type Information 🔧

Once this information has been entered into ALIAS by the DPO is is the responsibility of the Dev team to validate it.