Registering the Location of Personal Data

defining your Data Source inventory

The Developers or IT team use a dedicated User Interface to declare the various instances of “data supports” they are using, that is the various mediums and locations used by the company to store Personal Data at granularity that they choose.

Examples include:

  • servers
  • desktop or laptop computers
  • hard disks
  • databases
  • physical locations like a filing cabinet or a log book

This information will include the country in which the DataSource physically resides as that will be relevant to providing instructions about retention rules.

Declaring DataSources 🔧

Create DataSources

Declaring DataLocations 🔧

The DPO and the Development team work together to register the location where data is stored with their respective User Interfaces as DataLocations

The DPO will have declared the DataTypes used by the organization and the the Development team matches the DataTypes with DataSources as part of creating DataLocations.

The DataLocation represents where a specific kind of data is stored in a DataSource for a specific context given by a Processing Record.

Create DataLocation for DataSource